LANSCA is looking for new members. Membership is open to everyone who is interested in enhancing the relationships between the cities of Los Angeles and Nagoya by participating in cultural, educational, business and tourism exchange activities.

CategoryPaid By CHECKPaid By PAYPAL / Credit CardRemarks
Corporate Member$600-$620-Covers two company representatives
Sustaining Member$200-$207-Covers an individual, spouse, and one other family member
Family Member$125-$129-Covers and individual and a spouse
Individual Member$75-$78-Covers one individual
Student Member$25-$26-Covers a student in any school through college who is involved in a LANSCA program (including Nisei Week visit to Japan) or is otherwise volunteering to assist LANSCA.

**Paid by Paypal/Credit Crad include convenience fee.

To Join

Please submit the form below.
*After submitting your contact information, please complete your payment to become a LANSCA member.

    Corporate:$600 /$620 (paid by PAYPAL)Sustaining:$200 /$207 (paid by PAYPAL)Family:$125 /$129 (paid by PAYPAL)Individual:$75 /$78 (paid by PAYPAL)Student:$25 /$26 (paid by PAYPAL)

    **Sending Comfirmation

    Please pay the membership fee from “Payment button” after sending your membership applicatton.

    *If you would like to pay by check, please send it to the address below.

    c/o Peter M. Langenberg
    1310 Milan Avenue
    South Pasadena, CA 91010

    Thank you for applying to LANSCA members.